Egyptian Peppermint Benefits And Uses

Egyptian Peppermint Wholesale

Exporting High Quality Egyptian Peppermint Wholesale Supplier (Common And Organic)

Botanical Name Menthae piperitae )
Product Forms Whole Leaves – Crushed
Season Crop: From March to December
Container Capacity: ·         Leaves // 1.5 MT per 20 FCL & 3.5 MT per 40 FCL (HC)

·         Crushed // 6 MT per 20 FCL & 13 MT per 40 FCL (HC)

Available Form: ·         whole flowers

·         crushed flowers

·         sifting ( T.B.C )

Season: Available all the Year
Packing: ·         Carton Boxes

·         Paper Bags

·         PP Bags

Annual production capacity : 200 Ton
Storage conditions: Store in a cool dry place at temperature above 20 ° C and relative humidity 75%.



Peppermint benefits

Health benefits of peppermint -Mint contains numerous plant derived chemical compounds that are known to have anti-oxidant, disease preventing and health promoting properties.

-This popular herb contains no cholesterol; but is rich in anti-oxidants and dietary fiber, which helps to control blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

-The herb parts contain many essential volatile oils like menthol, menthol, menthol acetate. These compounds effect on cold-sensitive receptors in the skin, mouth and throat, the property which is responsible for the well-known cooling sensation that it provokes when inhaled, eaten, or applied to the skin.

-The essential oil, menthol, also has analgesic (pain-killer), local anesthetic and counter-irritant properties.

-Research studies have also been suggested that the compounds in the peppermint relaxes intestinal wall and sphincter smooth muscles through blocking calcium channel at cell receptor levels.

This property of mint has been applied as an anti-spasmodic agent in the treatment of “irritable bowel syndrome” or IBS and other colic pain disorders.

-Peppermint-herb is an excellent source of minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese and copper are important co-factors for antioxidant enzyme superoxide-dismutase.

-It is also rich in many antioxidant vitamins including vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin-C and vitamin E.

The leaves of mint also contain many important B-complex vitamins like folates, riboflavin and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6); and the herb is also an excellent source of vitamin-K.


Physical characteristic
 Color  Green
 Aroma  Grassy and herbaceous
 Flavor  Characteristic flavor
 Aspect  Dried leaves of  Peppermint
 Particle Size 2-4  mm
Microbiological Analysis
 Salmonella Not detected in 25g
 Escherichia Coli  Absent


YEAST/MOULD (CFU into 1g no more than) 0,10 x 103


Chemical Analysis
 Moisture % 10.00
 Extraneous Matter %  Absent
 Living & Dead Insects %  Absent
 Mineral Dirtiness Contents %  Absent
 Organic Dirtiness Contents %  Absent
 Allergens material It Doesn’t contain
Metal particles % Absent
Pesticides Residues Meet EU Regulations
Heavy metals (Sr, Sс) Absent
Ash % 12.00
Acid insoluble Ash % 2.50
Volatile oil ml/100 g 0.5

Product Name

German Pfefferminze
French Menthe Poivrée
Portuguese hortelã-pimenta
Russian Мята перечная
Polish mięta pieprzowa

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